Friday, April 11, 2008

When Sorrows Encompass Me Round - a metered hymn

When sorrows encompass me round
And many distresses I see
Astonished I cry, Can a mortal be found
Surrounded with troubles like me?

Few seasons of peace I enjoy
And they are succeeded by pain
If e'er a few moments of praise I employ
I have hours and days to complain

O! when will my sorrows subside?
O! when will my sufferings cease?
O! when to the bosom of Christ be conveyed?
To the mansions of glory and bliss?

May I be prepared for that day
When Jesus shall bid me remove
That I may in raptures go shouting away
To the arms of my heav'nly Love.
My spirit to glory conveyed

My body laid low in the ground
I wish not a tear at my grave to be shed
But all join in praising around
No sorrow be vented that day
When Jesus hath called me home
With singing and shouting let each brother say
"He's gone from the evil to come."

If souls disembodied can know
Or visit their brethern beneath
My spirit shall join you, while singing you go
And leave all my cares in the grave

Immersed in the ocean of love
My soul, like an angel shall sing
Till Christ shall descend with a shout from above
And make all creation to ring

Our bodies, in dust shall obey
And swifter than thought shall arise
Then, changed in a moment, go shouting away
To mansions of love in the skies.

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Horace King (1807-1885) was the most respected bridge-builder in Alabama, Georgia, and northeastern Mississippi during the mid-nineteenth century. Enslaved until 1846,

Horace King Horace King Horace King (1807-1885) was the most respected bridge-builder in Alabama, Georgia, and northeastern Mississippi du...