She was stereotyped as ‘the welfare queen’. The truth was more disturbing, a new book says.

Holding her hat against the wind, Linda Taylor leaves court in Chicago on Nov. 27, 1974. (Bettmann Archive)
was January 1976. Ronald Reagan was on the campaign trail, hoping to
challenge President Gerald Ford for the Republican nomination. The
former California governor took the stage in Asheville, N.C., and
started his stump speech.
The federal government
was full of waste and abuse, he said, particularly in the public
assistance realm. In his folksy style, he listed his alleged examples:
People were buying T-bone steaks with food stamps; a housing project in
New York City had 11-foot ceilings and a swimming pool. The audience
chuckled along.
And then the humdinger: “In
Chicago, they found a woman who holds the record. She used 80 names, 30
addresses, 15 telephone numbers to collect food stamps, Social Security,
veterans’ benefits for four nonexistent deceased veteran husbands, as
well as welfare,” he said.
In fact, he said, “her tax-free cash income alone has been running at $150,000 a year.”
The audience gasped.
invoked the nameless woman frequently that year as he very nearly
toppled Ford for the GOP spot. He continued to speak of her over the
next four years in his popular radio commentaries, again on the campaign
trail in 1980, and as president when he called on Congress to pass a
welfare overhaul.
She became known as the
“welfare queen.” The term was designed to conjure racist stereotypes of a
single black mother living large on the taxpayers’ largesse, collecting
government checks while bedecked in diamonds and driving a Cadillac.
Sometimes, journalists and political opponents challenged Reagan on his tale. In Jan. 29, 1986, The Washington Post quoted Democratic House Speaker Tip O’Neill telling Reagan, “I never did believe your story about the Chicago welfare queen.”
the so-called welfare queen was real. Her name was Linda Taylor, and
she indeed owned a Cadillac, and several other cars, at the time she was
arrested in 1974. She was a mixed-race woman who often told authorities
she was white, Mexican or Hawaiian, according to Josh Levin, author of
the new biography “The Queen: The Forgotten Life Behind an American Myth.”
portrays Taylor as a lifelong con artist and thief who may have
committed far more serious crimes, including kidnapping and murder.
Her prosecution for welfare fraud was fueled by politics, Levin argues in his deeply researched book.
Taylor … had as much in common with a typical welfare rule breaker as a
bank robber does with someone who swipes a piece of penny candy,” Levin
writes. Yet “Taylor’s mere existence gave credence to a slew of
pernicious stereotypes about poor people and black women.”

Linda Taylor walks with her attorney T. Lee Boyd as they leave a Chicago courtroom on March 8, 1977, during a recess in her trial. (Charles Knoblock/AP)
Linda Taylor was born
Martha Louise White in 1926 in Golddust, Tenn., the result of her white
mother’s affair with a black man. Though she was light-skinned, she was
forbidden to go to the local white school. In 1940, at the age of 13 or
14, she had her first child.
in her teens, Taylor was arrested in 1943 in Seattle for disorderly
conduct under the name Martha Davis. Thus began a dizzying trail of
arrests, aliases, marriages and cross-state moves, painstakingly
detailed by Levin.
In 1944, she was arrested
for vagrancy as “Martha Gordon” in Port Orchard, Wash.; in 1945,
malicious mischief as “Connie Reed” in Oakland, Calif.; in 1946,
suspicion of prostitution as “Betty Smith” in Oakland.
1948, while “passing” as white, she married a Navy sailor named Paul
Harbaugh. She had three more children in this period, one of whom had a
darker complexion than the others. The marriage quickly unraveled.
1952, she married a drifter named Troy “Buddy” Elliott in Arkansas and
had a fifth child. But Elliott’s family rejected her and her
darker-skinned son, whom she eventually abandoned.
1959, Taylor, as “Connie Harbaugh,” filed a lawsuit in Peoria, Ill.,
alleging her children had been severely injured in a gas explosion at
their school. The case was thrown out seven years later.
first made news in 1964, in Chicago, when she claimed to be the
daughter of Lawrence Wakefield, a black man who, upon his death, was
found to have more than $760,000 in cash in his home, a fortune earned
in an underground gambling business. As “Constance Wakefield,” she sued
to be named Wakefield’s sole heir. Her uncle and grandmother were flown
in to testify against her.
The case that made
her famous began in August 1974 when she called in a false burglary
report to the Chicago Police Department. Officer Jack Sherwin didn’t
believe her story and started poking around, eventually figuring out
that she had a warrant in Michigan under the name Connie Green. When he
arrested her, he found a cache of public aid identification cards under a
variety of names. Writing his report on her myriad schemes, he called
her by the name he guessed was right: Linda Taylor.
to Levin, Sherwin had trouble interesting prosecutors in pursuing the
case, so another officer leaked it to the Chicago Tribune.
The first story published on Sept. 29, 1974, under the headline “Cops find deceit—but no one cares.”
days, Taylor’s exploits were front-page material. In the following
months, Levin counted more than 40 Tribune stories about the woman it
dubbed the “welfare queen.”
The story hit the wires and went national. “Welfare and Pension Swindle Laid to Woman of Many Aliases,” the New York Times headline read. The Post
reported her arrest on fraud charges that November. And in California,
Levin says, a PR guy clipped a story about her for his boss, Gov. Ronald
Taylor was eventually convicted
of theft and perjury and sentenced to three to seven years in prison.
When she was released in 1980 after a little more than two years, no
newspapers mentioned it, Levin says, even as Reagan was still telling
the story of that “woman in Chicago.”
Perhaps most surprising are the crimes she wasn’t charged with, Levin writes.
of Taylor’s sons told Sherwin, the police officer, that his mother
bought and sold children on the black market; arrest reports often
describe random children of varying races being present and neglected in
Taylor’s homes. A niece told Levin that Taylor kidnapped her for days
in 1976; police were called, but charges were never filed.
Taylor may have been the culprit in the infamous Paul Fronczak
stolen baby case in 1964. According to later reports in the Tribune, an
ex-husband told the FBI she appeared one day in the mid-1960s with a
newborn baby, despite not having been pregnant, and that a woman using
one of Taylor’s aliases was at the hospital the day of the crime. An
ex-boyfriend also told police he saw her wearing a white uniform, just
as the kidnapper was reportedly wearing, the day the baby was abducted.
was also present for at least three suspicious deaths, Levin writes.
One of them happened while awaiting trial in 1975; Taylor moved into the
home of a woman named Patricia Parks. Within months, Parks had made
Taylor the trustee of her estate and then died suddenly of a barbiturate
overdose. Taylor was investigated but never charged.
Levin interviewed Parks’s former husband in 2013, he said Levin was the
first person to ask him about it; the police never did.
“All they said was, ‘That’s another black woman dead,’ ” he told Levin.
to Levin, Linda Taylor continued running scams and changing names
throughout the 1980s and 1990s, mostly in Florida, without ever again
capturing the attention of the public. She died in a care facility near
Chicago in 2002. The stigmatizing welfare queen stereotype lives on.
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