Thursday, April 16, 2009

Battle of Calebee

History of Alabama and dictionary of Alabama biography
By Thomas McAdory Owen

CALEBEE, BATTLE OF. An engagement between the Georgia militia, under Gen. Floyd, and the Creek Indians, January 27, 1814, on Calebee Creek, about 7 miles from the present town of Tuskegee, Macon County. After the battle of Autossee, November 29, 1813, and his retreat to Fort Mitchell, Gen. Floyd remained inactive about 6 weeks. On receiving necessary supplies, and recruiting his forces, with about 1,227 men, a company of cavalry, and 400 friendly Indians, he set out on another campaign. He moved along the line of the old federal road, establishing Fort Bainbridge in Russell, and Fort Hull in the Macon County. News was received that the Indians were fortifying themselves in large numbers at Hoithlewallee. On January 26 he encamped in a pine forest, upon the high land bordering Calebee Swamp. The hostile Indians were on the same date encamped in what was subsequently known as McGlrth's Still House branch. Here they held a council. Their numbers had increased to 1,800 warriors, probably the largest force assembled during the Creek war. Many were without guns, and were armed with war-clubs,

bows and arrows. William Weatherford was present and addressed the council. He proposed that the Indians wait until Gen. Floyd's army had crossed Calebee Creek. Weather- ford's advice was rejected, and he left the council, and started back to Polecat Spring. About an hour and a half before daybreak on the morning of January 27, the Indians stealthily approached the camp, fired upon the sentinels and made a fierce rush upon the main body. A general action immediately followed. Although surprised. Gen. Floyd's troops were quickly organized, and with the aid of the cannon repulsed them. The Indians made desperate efforts to capture the cannon, and in consequence the artillerymen suffered very severely. While the redsticks were thus bravely fighting, the friendly Indians with the exception of Capt. Timpochee Barnard and his Uchees, acted in a cowardly way. About daylight Gen. Floyd reorganized his lines, and ordered a general charge. The Indians gave way before the bayonet, and they were pursued through the swamp by the cavalry, by some of the rifle companies and by some of the friendly Indians. The Indian losses are not known, but 70 bodies were found upon the field. The American loss was 17 killed, and 132 wounded. The friendly Indians lost 5 killed and 15 wounded.

The unexpected engagement on the Calebee thwarted Gen. Floyd's designs against Hoithlewallee. He thereupon retreated to Fort Hull, in which he left a small garrison. He then returned to Fort Mitchell. After the withdrawal of Gen. Floyd the Creeks took possession of the battlefield. The retreat and abandonment of the campaign gave the Indians the impression that they had won the victory.

References.—Russell, History of the Late War (1815), p. 242; Brackenrldge, History of the Late War (1844), p. 193; White, Historical Collections of Georgia (1855), pp. 290-292; Pick- ett, History of Alabama (Owen's ed., 1900), pp. 584-586; Woodward, Reminiscences of the Creek Indians (1859), pp. 101, 102; The Atlanta Constitution, April 30, 1905.

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