Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Beaver shot in suspected payback killing - The Globe and Mail

Beaver shot in suspected payback killing - The Globe and Mail

The Canadian Prairies may soon regret human incursion into a matter that didn't involve them.

Whatever happened was between that dog and that beaver.

But things are escalated.

An inquest is in order.

: This rodent is the symbol of hard work and staying focused on the job. However, beavers actually spend most of their waking hours playing. They aren’t the sharpest teeth in the woods: About one in every five trees that they gnaw down, they just don’t know what to do with. A beaver’s calls are a series of pained grunts and moans. It mates for life, which always looks good. When European explorers arrived, beavers were active by day. Now they are mostly nocturnal. They have learned something over two centuries.

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